Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Canada, my home and native land, celebrates it's 145th 'birthday', today!

Both my maternal and paternal ancestors left their native homelands of Ireland and Scotland, respectively. They may not have known it, but their sacrifices and hardships set the groundwork for my success. I had the opportunity to be the first in the family to graduate from university and enjoy a lifestyle that my ancestors could not have imagined.

Today, also marks the first official day of my retirement, following more than three decades of government work. I have teased that the government is setting off fireworks across the country today to celebrate my retirement. I'm just not certain that it is to celebrate my achievement or because they are happy to see me finally leave!

Whatever your reason, from one proud Canadian to all others, enjoy this special day.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes on your retirement. I am sure you will find you will be busy. I hope you will have time to do the things you really love but didn't have time to do when you were working. This includes, of course, genealogy.
